Blue Penguins Children Center Health Requirements:
Immunizations are required according to the current schedule recommended by the U.S. Public Health Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics, _ Every quarter, we check with the public health department or the American Academy of Pediatrics for updates of the recommended immunization schedule. Our state regulations regarding attendance of children who are not immunized due to religious or medical reasons are followed.
Unimmunized children are excluded during outbreaks of vaccine preventable illness as directed by the state health department.
All caregivers, teachers, and staff are required to be current with all immunizations routinely recommended for adults by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Routine physicals are required according to the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, .A copy of your child's physical should be received before but must be received no later than days after your child begins the program. Families are responsible for making sure that their child's physicals are kept up-to-date and that a copy of the results of the child's health assessment is given to the program.
We understand that it is difficult for a family member to leave or miss work, but to protect other children; you may not bring a sick child to the center. The center has the right to refuse a child who appears ill. You will be called and asked to retrieve your child if your child exhibits any of the following symptoms. This is not an all-inclusive list. We will try to keep your child comfortable but he/she will be excluded from all activities until you arrive.
• Illness that prevents your child from participating in activities.
• Illness that results in greater need for care than we can provide.
• Illness that poses a risk of spread of harmful diseases to others.
• Fever (100 ° F or higher under the arm, 101 ° F or higher in the mouth, 102° F or higher in the ear) accompanied by other symptoms.
• Diarrhea - stools with blood or mucus, and/or uncontrolled, unformed stools that cannot be contained in a diaper/underwear or toilet.
• Vomiting - green or bloody, and/or more than 2 times during the previous 24 hours.
• Mouth sores caused by drooling.
• Rash with fever, unless a physician has determined it is not a communicable disease.
• Pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge, until on antibiotics for 24 hours.
• Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment.
• Strep throat, until 24 hours after treatment.
• Head lice, until treatment and all nits are removed.
• Scabies, until 24 hours after treatment.
• Chickenpox, until all lesions have dried and crusted.
• Pertussis (Whooping Cough), until 5 days of antibiotics.
• Hepatitis A virus, until one week after immune globulin has been administered.
• Tuberculosis, until a health professional indicates the child is not infectious.
• Rubella, until 6 days after the rash appears.
• Mumps, until 5 days after onset of parotid_gland swelling.
• Measles, until 4 days after onset of rash.
• Has a physician or other health professionals written an order that a child be separated from other children.
Children who have been ill may return when:
• They are free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours.
• They have been treated with an antibiotic for 24 hours.
• They are able to participate comfortably in all usual activities.
• They are free of open, oozing skin conditions and drooling (not related to teething) unless:
• The child's physician signs a note stating that the child's condition is not contagious, and;
• The involved areas can be covered by a bandage without seepage or drainage through the bandage.
• If a child had a reportable communicable disease, a physician's note stating that the child is no longer contagious and may return to our care is required.
*COVID-19 Health & Safety Practices: Updated September 10, 2021
On March 11, 2020, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a public health emergency in order to maximize the resources available to fight the spread of COVID-19 and minimize public health risks for New Mexicans. The fight against COVID-19 is ongoing, fluid, and requires our collective diligence and attention.
The following is a list of required health and safety practices, effective September 10, 2021, for all New Mexico Child Care Centers, licensed and registered homes, and early childhood professionals.
- Parents/guardians may resume entry exclusively for the purposes of pick-up or drop-off under the following conditions:
- Limit entry to one parent or guardian;
- Time spent in facility should not extend beyond that which is necessary for picking-up or dropping-off child(ren);
- Masks are required to be worn indoors by all parents/guardians;
- All other parental interactions with staff must remain virtual or outdoors (e.g. – parent-teacher conferences, daily reports, payment processing, etc.); and
- Ensure physical distancing is maintained
- All other access to the facility must be limited to essential visitors, which includes breast feeding mothers, parents/guardians seeking services, therapists, early interventionists and special education staff, FOCUS verifiers and FOCUS consultants, ECECD regulatory staff, and practicum students.
- Providers must conduct daily temperature checks and screenings for symptoms prior to entry for non-vaccinated staff and all other essential visitors entering the building.
- Masks are no longer required outdoors for staff, children, parents, and essential visitors but are recommended in public places such as parks, etc.
- Indoor mask requirements remain in effect for everyone age 2 and over.
- Licensed providers may operate at group sizes and ratios according to their licensed Star level
- Providers must conduct daily wellness checks on every child at the facility.
- Masks are required indoors for all staff, plus gloves and gowns as needed for wellness screenings of children or health screenings of staff and essential visitors.
- Masks are required for children age 2 years and older when indoors (except when drinking, eating, or napping)
- Training on COVID safe practices is required for all staff, including cooks and transportation staff.
- Good hygiene practices are required, including frequent handwashing/sanitizing
- Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned often throughout the day and disinfected at the end of each day.
- Providers should not serve family-style meals; have employees (not children) handle utensils. Wear gloves when serving children. Plate each child’s meal.
- Providers must serve meals in the classroom. If spaces such as cafeterias need to be used—as with licensed out of school time programs—stagger use and clean and sanitize between use.
- Transportation safety requirements:
- Mandatory mask wearing for passengers two years of age and older.
- Use the vehicle’s vents and windows to bring in fresh air and avoid using the recirculated air option.
- If possible, maintain one empty space between passengers.
- Require handwashing/hand sanitizer before and after exiting the vehicle
- Clean and sanitize regularly touched surfaces between groups/runs.
- Requirements regarding testing for non-vaccinated staff and practicum students.
- Non-vaccinated staff and practicum students must test for COVID-19 every week. Providers must maintain copies of test results for at least twelve (12) months for review by licensing.
- Fully vaccinated staff and practicum students do not need to be tested for COVID-19 unless they are involved in a rapid response situation.
- Providers must exclude children or staff from the program who have two or more symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and/or test positive, including those who are fully vaccinated. Anyone who is symptomatic should isolate themselves and seek testing for COVID-19.
- Staff and children who were in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 positive case must quarantine for 10 days (unless they are two weeks past full dose of vaccination or have recovered from COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days). Anyone fully vaccinated who is exposed to a confirmed case should monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days after exposure and get a COVID test 3-5 days after exposure; if symptoms develop, they should get tested and self-isolate while waiting for the results.
Allergy Prevention
Families are expected to notify us regarding children's food and environmental allergies. Families of children with diagnosed allergies are required to provide us a letter detailing the child's symptoms, reactions, treatments and care. A list of the children's allergies will be posted in the main area and kitchen. We are trained to familiarize ourselves and consult the list to avoid the potential of exposing children to substances to which they have known allergies.
A. Our center does not administer prescription or over the counter medication to children. (B)AII medications should be handed to a staff member with specific written instructions for administration. Medications should never be left in the child's cubby or with the child to administer on their own. Our staff will ensure that the medication is recorded along with the directions and proceed to dispense the medication as directed.
• Prescription medications require a note signed by the family and a written order from the child's physician. The label on the medication meets this requirement. The medication must include your child's name, dosage, current date, frequency, and the name and phone number of the physician. All medications must be in the original container (you may request pharmacies to fill your prescription in two labeled bottles).
Please specify the dosage and time(s) to be administered for each medication.
• Non-prescription medications require written permission and instructions signed by the child's primary care physician. The written permission must include your child's name, dosage, current date, frequency, and all medications must be in the original container. Non-prescription medication should not be administered for more than a 3- day period unless a written order by the physician is received.
• Non-prescription topical ointments (e.g., diaper cream or teething gel), sunscreen and insect repellant require a note signed by the , specifying frequency and dosage to be administered as well as the length of time the authorization is valid which cannot exceed 12 months.
Communicable Diseases
When an enrolled child or an employee of the center has a (suspected) reportable disease, it is our legal responsibility to notify the local Board of Health or Department of Public Health. We will take care to notify families about exposure so children can receive preventive treatments. Included among the reportable illnesses are the following:
• Bacterial Meningitis
• Botulism
• Chicken Pox
• COVID-19
• Diphtheria
• Haemophilus Influenza (invasive)
• Measles (including suspect)
• Meningococcal Infection (invasive)
• Poliomyelitis (including suspect)
• Rabies (human only)
• Rubella Congenital and Non-congenital (including suspect)
• Tetanus (including suspect)
• H1N1 Virus
• Any cluster/outbreak of illness
• Tuberculosis
Breast Feeding:
In 2007, a bill was introduced to amend NMSA 1978 requiring New Mexico employers to allow flexible break times for nursing mothers and to provide a physical private location, which was not a bathroom, for pumping. (CDC)
Please dress your child in practical clothing that allows for freedom of movement and is appropriate for the weather. Your child will be involved in a variety of activities including: painting, outdoor play, sand, weather, and other sensory activities. Our playground is used as an extension of the center, and daily programs are conducted outside whenever weather permits.
One particular aspect of concern is the risk associated with children's clothing that may become entangled with climbing or sliding equipment that could lead to choking or other serious harm.
All drawstrings from children's clothes should be removed as a precaution.
Sandals and flip-flops are not appropriate for center play and make it difficult for your child to participate in some activities.
We ask parents to be encouraged to dress children as comfortable, safe, and
weather-appropriate. We like children to wear loose clothing, play clothes or gym shoes because classes play outside. Each class will have a dress/items list.
Extreme Weather and Outdoor Play
Outdoor play will not occur if the outside temperature is greater than °F or less than °F degrees. Additionally, outdoor play will be cancelled if the air quality rating is or below.
Communal Water-Play
Communal, unsupervised water play is prohibited. Supervised children are permitted to engage in water-play. Precautions are taken to ensure that communal water-play does not spread communicable infectious disease.
Safety is a major concern in child care and so daily safety inspections are completed inside and outside the center area in order to prevent injuries. First aid will be administered by a trained caregiver in the event that your child sustains a minor injury (e.g., scraped knee). You will receive an incident report outlining the incident and course of action taken. If the injury produces any type of swelling or needs medical attention, you will be contacted immediately.
Each classroom is equipped with a first aid kit meeting the state regulations.
In the event of a serious medical emergency, the child will be taken to the hospital immediately by ambulance, while we will try to contact you or an emergency contact.
Biting is a normal stage of development that is common among infants and toddlers - and sometimes even among preschoolers. It is something that most young children will try at least once.
When biting happens, our response will be to care for and help the child who was bitten and to help the biter learn a more appropriate behavior. Our focus will not be on punishment for biting, but on effective behaviors that address the specific reason for biting.
Notes will be written to the family of the child who was bitten and the biter's family. We will work together with the families of each to keep them informed and to develop strategies for change.
Respectful Behavior
All children and families will be treated with respect and dignity. In return, we expect the same from all of our families. We will not tolerate hostile or aggressive behavior. If this occurs, we reserve the right to ask you to control your behavior or to remove your children from our care.
The poisons in secondhand smoke are especially harmful to infants and young children's developing bodies, therefore the indoor and outdoor center environment and vehicles used by the center are non-smoking areas at all times. The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited on the center's premises.
Prohibited Substances
The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited on the center's premises. Possession of illegal substances or unauthorized toxic substances is prohibited.
Any adult who appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or otherwise under the influence of mind-altering or polluting substances is required to leave the premises immediately.
Dangerous Weapons
A dangerous weapon is a gun, knife, razor, or any other object, which by the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of inflicting bodily harm. Families, children, staff or guests (other than law enforcement officers) possessing a dangerous weapon will not be permitted onto the premises.
In cases that clearly involve a gun, or any other weapon on our premises, the police will be called and the individual(s) involved will be immediately removed from the premises. This policy applies to visible or concealed weapons.
Child Custody
Without a court document, both parents/guardians have equal rights to custody. We are legally bound to respect the wishes of the parent or guardian with legal custody based on a certified copy of the most recent court order, active restraining order, or court-ordered visitation schedule. We will not accept the responsibility of deciding which parent/guardian has legal custody where there is no court documentation.
Suspected Child Abuse
We are required by law to report all observations of child abuse or neglect cases to the appropriate state authorities if we have reasonable cause to believe or suspect a child is suffering from abuse or neglect or is in danger of abuse or neglect, no matter where the abuse might have occurred. The child protective service agency will determine appropriate action and may conduct an investigation. It then becomes the role of the agency to determine if the report is substantiated and to work with the family to ensure the child's needs are met. Our center will cooperate fully with any investigation and will maintain confidentiality concerning any report of child abuse or neglect.
Please dress your child in practical clothing that allows for freedom of movement and is appropriate for the weather. Your child will be involved in a variety of activities including: painting, outdoor play, sand, weather, and other sensory activities. Our playground is used as an extension of the center, and daily programs are conducted outside whenever weather permits.
One particular aspect of concern is the risk associated with children's clothing that may become entangled with climbing or sliding equipment that could lead to choking or other serious harm.
All drawstrings from children's clothes should be removed as a precaution.
Sandals and flip-flops are not appropriate for center play and make it difficult for your child to participate in some activities.
We ask parents to be encouraged to dress children as comfortable, safe, and
weather-appropriate. We like children to wear loose clothing, play clothes or gym shoes because classes play outside. Each class will have a dress/items list.
Extreme Weather and Outdoor Play
Outdoor play will not occur if the outside temperature is greater than °F or less than °F degrees. Additionally, outdoor play will be cancelled if the air quality rating is or below.
Communal Water-Play
Communal, unsupervised water play is prohibited. Supervised children are permitted to engage in water-play. Precautions are taken to ensure that communal water-play does not spread communicable infectious disease.
Safety is a major concern in child care and so daily safety inspections are completed inside and outside the center area in order to prevent injuries. First aid will be administered by a trained caregiver in the event that your child sustains a minor injury (e.g., scraped knee). You will receive an incident report outlining the incident and course of action taken. If the injury produces any type of swelling or needs medical attention, you will be contacted immediately.
Each classroom is equipped with a first aid kit meeting the state regulations.
In the event of a serious medical emergency, the child will be taken to the hospital immediately by ambulance, while we will try to contact you or an emergency contact.
Biting is a normal stage of development that is common among infants and toddlers - and sometimes even among preschoolers. It is something that most young children will try at least once.
When biting happens, our response will be to care for and help the child who was bitten and to help the biter learn a more appropriate behavior. Our focus will not be on punishment for biting, but on effective behaviors that address the specific reason for biting.
Notes will be written to the family of the child who was bitten and the biter's family. We will work together with the families of each to keep them informed and to develop strategies for change.
Respectful Behavior
All children and families will be treated with respect and dignity. In return, we expect the same from all of our families. We will not tolerate hostile or aggressive behavior. If this occurs, we reserve the right to ask you to control your behavior or to remove your children from our care.
The poisons in secondhand smoke are especially harmful to infants and young children's developing bodies, therefore the indoor and outdoor center environment and vehicles used by the center are non-smoking areas at all times. The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited on the center's premises.
Prohibited Substances
The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited on the center's premises. Possession of illegal substances or unauthorized toxic substances is prohibited.
Any adult who appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or otherwise under the influence of mind-altering or polluting substances is required to leave the premises immediately.
Dangerous Weapons
A dangerous weapon is a gun, knife, razor, or any other object, which by the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of inflicting bodily harm. Families, children, staff or guests (other than law enforcement officers) possessing a dangerous weapon will not be permitted onto the premises.
In cases that clearly involve a gun, or any other weapon on our premises, the police will be called and the individual(s) involved will be immediately removed from the premises. This policy applies to visible or concealed weapons.
Child Custody
Without a court document, both parents/guardians have equal rights to custody. We are legally bound to respect the wishes of the parent or guardian with legal custody based on a certified copy of the most recent court order, active restraining order, or court-ordered visitation schedule. We will not accept the responsibility of deciding which parent/guardian has legal custody where there is no court documentation.
Suspected Child Abuse
We are required by law to report all observations of child abuse or neglect cases to the appropriate state authorities if we have reasonable cause to believe or suspect a child is suffering from abuse or neglect or is in danger of abuse or neglect, no matter where the abuse might have occurred. The child protective service agency will determine appropriate action and may conduct an investigation. It then becomes the role of the agency to determine if the report is substantiated and to work with the family to ensure the child's needs are met. Our center will cooperate fully with any investigation and will maintain confidentiality concerning any report of child abuse or neglect.
Lost or Missing Child
In the unlikely event that a child becomes lost or separated from a group, all available staff will search for the child. If the child is not located within ??? minutes, the family and the police will be notified.
Fire Safety
Our center is fully equipped with ???
Our fire evacuation plan is reviewed with the children and staff on a??? basis.
Emergency Transportation
In the event your child needs to be transported due to a medical emergency, if no other authorized person can be contacted and the need for transportation is essential, an ambulance will be called for transportation. A proper escort will accompany and remain with the child until a family member or emergency contact arrives.
Emergency Lock-Down Procedure
1. Bring all children inside
2. Secure all exterior doors
3. Children and staff relocate to designated classrooms, until the ALL-CLEAR signal is given. One teacher in each room will lead a story or sing songs with the children in the calming space.
4. When the lockdown is no longer deemed necessary, an administrator will go to both rooms and give the all clear signal.
Disaster Preparedness
If evacuation from building is ordered or necessary the following preparedness of steps will be taken:
If evacuation from the school property is ordered - 911 will be called to assist with moving the population to the ???, where we will regroup, reunite children with additional assistance.
In the unlikely event that a child becomes lost or separated from a group, all available staff will search for the child. If the child is not located within ??? minutes, the family and the police will be notified.
Fire Safety
Our center is fully equipped with ???
Our fire evacuation plan is reviewed with the children and staff on a??? basis.
Emergency Transportation
In the event your child needs to be transported due to a medical emergency, if no other authorized person can be contacted and the need for transportation is essential, an ambulance will be called for transportation. A proper escort will accompany and remain with the child until a family member or emergency contact arrives.
Emergency Lock-Down Procedure
1. Bring all children inside
2. Secure all exterior doors
3. Children and staff relocate to designated classrooms, until the ALL-CLEAR signal is given. One teacher in each room will lead a story or sing songs with the children in the calming space.
4. When the lockdown is no longer deemed necessary, an administrator will go to both rooms and give the all clear signal.
Disaster Preparedness
If evacuation from building is ordered or necessary the following preparedness of steps will be taken:
If evacuation from the school property is ordered - 911 will be called to assist with moving the population to the ???, where we will regroup, reunite children with additional assistance.